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Training courses

Welcome to the SOS-Attendance online training section

One of the priorities of this project is “supporting parents, teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions” by offering advice and training to professionals in education (teachers, school principals, academics, future teacher trainers, school psychologists, etc.) on how to deal with school absenteeism and early school leaving.

In this section you can find e-learning courses for teachers and parents designed based on the needs identified by this project. In addition, virtual cooperation is promoted through a forum in which people are able to exchange experiences, opinions and discuss how social changes and political actions affect school attendance.

Whether you are a PARENT wanting to better support your child’s education or a TEACHER looking for new ways to engage students, these courses are for you.These courses are available in four languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish.

 Together, we can make education a priority and empower students to thrive!

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